
Woman taking a walk

Tips to Boost Your Confidence

September 16, 20243 min read

Are you feeling like your self-assurance took a backseat once you hit middle age? You're not alone. It's time to dust off the doubts and rev up your self-esteem engine. In this blog post, we're dishing out practical tips to help you boost your confidence. Whether it's at work, in social settings, or when you're staring at your reflection, these pointers will be your guide to feeling unstoppable. Get ready to elevate your confidence and stride through middle age like the powerhouse you truly are!

Embrace Your Journey by starting right where you are now, give yourself a big hug! You have come far over the past 30, 40 or 50 years. Sometimes, just by sitting still and thinking, we can acknowledge and remember how we got right here. Sit without judgement on your past. Don't dwell on your mistakes or the sad parts. Just think, you are where you are today by having overcoming obstacles and having remarkable achievements.

Set New Goals No! You are not too old or too tired. Just by having something to look forward to, that excites you, gives you energy. Can you identify and list at least 5 new interests or passions that you would like to you really want to do? Do you think these new interests may enhance your purpose in life or your self worth? Circle your number one interest that you can start on within the next week. How would you overcome any obstacles today?

Are any of your list of interests or passions the same you may have had when you were in your teens, 20's or 30's? These are the ones to focus on now.

Self Care should be part of your day and night routine. YOU ARE WORTH IT! Start with two brand new steps in the morning. You could wake 30 minutes earlier or stretchibefore you start your day.. A new step in your nightly routine may be to relax with a good book or a cup of herbal tea before going to sleep.

I have an E Guide on how to Lesson Your Anxiety at Bedtime on my website that will find more ideas on how to prepare yourself for a great night's sleep: Visit:

Remember, we want doable action, not steps that will make us feel we are unable to complete. After adding your two steps in the morning and two more before bed for about a week, add another step. A week later, another step. Continue until you really begin to feel better and start noticing a change about you.

MINDSET is one of the most important areas to work on for yourself. Challenge your negative self talk. Replace such words as can't to can. Never into sometimes. Should into could. Always into often or usually.

YOUR TRIBE Surround yourself with positive people, Limit your time with people who suck your energy or good mood. Every day, you want to be surrounded with postiivity and encouragement. People who inspire and uplift you!

By working with these 5 tips daily, in no time at all you will start feeling better and realizing you are in control and you can make the right decisions for you. You will have boosted your confidence!

Email me a [email protected] and let me know if you have tried any of this tips and what you think.

Coach Shari

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