
Luke and Lexi on the beach

You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

March 03, 20243 min read

         In 2009 I took home 2 little white Malti-Poo puppies. I named them Luke and Lexi, they were brother and sister.  I originally planned to buy only Lexi, she looked just like a Malti-Poo. The women who was selling the puppies, told me about Luke. He was the runt of the litter and was bonded closely with Lexi. He had shorter fur but after holding him, I knew he also had a home with me.

         We moved to South Carolina in 2011. It took me quite a while to adjust, but eventually we felt we could make a life here. Moving from Rochester, New York to Charleston, South Carolina was a major change. Looking back, I am so glad I made that decision.

         In 2021 Lexi lost her eyesight due to diabetes. Luke was by her side day and night. Lexi learned how to maneuver the house and yard very well. She even learned new commands that we gave her to guide her to where she needed to go.

In February 2023, we lost her due to her diabetes and had to let her go.  We were heartbroken. The look on Luke’s face when we came home without her, will forever haunt me.  Lexi had been with him since birth.

         We thought we may lose Luke due to his depression. All day, every day, he laid by the front door waiting for his sister to come back home. Slowly, he started feeling better. Today he is going strong at 15 years old, although he is starting to feel his age.

         I share this story with you to show you how life is all about changes, learning and growth. Some changes will push you right out of your comfort zone. Which may not necessarily be a bad thing.

         As we grow older, we may think our learning days are behind us. We may feel we are too old to learn something new or change our ways. This is the perfect time to learn new things. Especially if we are making a change in our lifestyle. Our children are grown, we may be single again or we may be looking for a new job. Whatever opportunities come your way, embrace the change! It might be perfect for you or not your cup of tea, either way you will learn more about you.

         A couple of books I have read that have changed my perspective on life and helped guide me through some of my life’s changes are:

“Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.

“Simple Abundance” by Sarah Ban Breathnach. An oldie but goodie, I find myself picking this up whenever I feel stuck. I just started it again this year, to reacquaint me with this gem.

“The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz. Small but mighty is how I describe this wonderful book.

Please let me know if you have read any of these books, or if you have a favorite go to.

Coach Shari



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